Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fragility is not an excuse

If varificaton is the way to aptitude,
Your way is puzzeled,lost,confused
You search for catalists to hold you together
Its the part you choose not pull together
That folds the mind into particions untold

Its like diplomacy in politics
you choose which card to play
However bad your hand is,You play
For all is fair,in the world unfair
To complain,would be weakness and to fall.

The pictures of minds are memory,
Bliss or less or nothingness
Or filled with untold horrors
Inevitable thoughts you learn and deal
Your question, would be your next move

Goodmorning this is the next day
circumstance has presented itself already
Will you;against all odds,spend it on exotic dreams
That inspired you last night
Or will you go back to the same process,that life made you succumb too

Goodevening that day is done,and can you see the stains?
The process bleeds slowly on you
But then,your choices were always based on reason
Who can make judgement on best reason
and say where happiness lies for sure.

strength is amiss when you cover down
Strength is amiss even if you soldier on
Depending on,the factors that hold you back
from taking the very simple chance
the chance that seems to be amiss


  1. Nice stuff man! Very mysterious and abstract. A true literary analyst can probably write volumes analysing this! :D

  2. If you would care to be that worthy analyst Chris.I respect your word :)
